If you haven't seen it yet, please do.
Russell Brand had an interview in which he had spoke on as to why he chooses not to vote (I mean let's be real he's not an American citizen anyways so I'm sure that's got part to do with it but I digress).
You may watch the video here.
"I don't get my authority from this preexisting paradigm which is quite
narrow and only serves a few people."
"I look
elsewhere for alternatives that might be of service to humanity."
I have to agree with most of what he speaks of, at least on the level of having similar interests in mind for the planet and humanity as a whole and for stopping power of the corporate lobbyists and corporate agendas. Don't get me wrong that's a major issue here with the powers being held by the few, while the majority of the population trods along with the illusion that they have a choice, being spoon fed whatever is needed to pump their brains full of false ideas and ideals through television.
But alas, I lost Russell at the point of the interview where he falls upon extreme taxation as the "solution to all the problems of the world."
I get the point, it looks good on paper (as it ALWAYS does), it keeps
bad corporations from "retaining control" by controlling the money supply, but how can something like that
be regulated? It will hurt an honest person at some point who worked hard through many years of dedication to become wealthy and who may have no political gain in
the matter. (We could even use Russell as an example)
Taxation is like playing nanny to humanity, as if having no
faith in the goodwill of people. We can't have a revolution and put
more power in the governments' hands to continue to tax and regulate business! That's the exact OPPOSITE of a revolution! You're not
putting power in the people's hands that way.
I find it funny, it's pretty typical of
an English man to want high taxation!
No taxation without representation.
Democracy fails in large populations. You can argue that this "high taxation" is represented of the population voted by the people (yet we're all praising Russell's ideal of not voting). Clearly democracy is failing and is better designed for less dense populations where you are more fairly representing the will of the people.
In a democracy of 10 people, when 6 vote against 4, you're only harming 4 people. Even in harming that 40% equivalent of 4 people, those 4 people are more apt to have a dialog with the other 6 in order to make sure they're not being taken advantage of. In a democracy of 10,000, that same 60% - 40% split instead harms 4,000 people, and in our current DOCUMENTED US Population of over 315 MILLION people, you're VOTING against the FREE WILL of 126 MILLION, where these 126 million people have almost no say in the matter, and the wishes of the 99% are being swept under the rug of the 1%. (Please.. do not correlate my 99-1% with the "I am the 99%" bullshit, it's merely a feasible example.)
So here we are...
Lest we forget that the
power of people is held when government has little to do with anything? If a particular corporation is causing a monopolized, power hungry, greedy agenda, we CAN organize and boycott that corporation
and take them down from the inside out instead of creating a middleman
to exploit the innocent. Even if only that 40% does not support the wills of the corporation, that would be 126 MILLION voices, in power in numbers acting out the wishes and actions of their voices and not just putting it on paper to get scoffed at.
what the revolution needs to be, to destroy the overbearing hand of
what our government is now resembling of the British monarchical system
that we fought to be free from in the first place, not to revert further
into it.
Just because someone is charismatic and uses above average vernacular doesn't make their ideas better than yours.
We've got to be critical, we've got to keep thinking, we can't just buy into the ideals of another individual because we identify PARTLY (if any) with what they're saying and then switch "Off" and ignore the rest of their plan.
Don't you want to have the voice for yourself?
Don't vote, act.
Don't listen, think.
Don't allow any more of your earnings get STOLEN from you in order to support a bullshit BIG GOVERNMENT.
Don't listen to a Brit, we seceded from them in the first place for these exact problems that we're facing today.