What does raising the minimum wage do?
Increases company expenses.
Increases the cost of living.
Increases the money that is taxed and collected by the government forcing less economic growth.
Damages the economy even further.
"How does it increase the cost of living?
How does it damage the economy?" You may be wondering..
Companies will not give their employees raises to create (make up for) linear inflation of these wages. If anything their budgets and costs will be affected where they're forced to keep their higher paid employees' wages low. They need to maintain the balance to raise said "minimum" wage workers' pay. This will result in increase cost of their products in the market place to pay for the effects of the minimum wage increase.
Now where is there opportunity for economic growth with an increase in the cost of goods, while a widespread decrease in value of income occurs? Wallets all around tighten, and this action keeps money out of the economy. The only benefit goes to the government alone, as they reap the benefits of increased tax revenue; which they will spend on frivolous acts of war and "social programs" because let's face it, you could do it on your own and you COULD "build that" if the money was in YOUR pockets like how it started before the government took it all, but instead, they're pocketing it, and redistributing your dollars on THEIR terms, while maintaining 100% control of how you use the money YOU worked for, (not them).
It's an ILLUSION! It won't change how much "money" there is. If anything it just hurts working Americans even further.
"But why would the government want to hurt us?" You may be asking. It's simple. They own us, we're the modern day slave. It's not a race thing, it's a power thing. When are we all going to wake up and unite in solidarity and STOP these crooks from ruining the integrity of human existence!?
Meanwhile, Obummer and Moochelle are taking yet ANOTHER luxurious vacation. When was the last time YOU took a vacation or could even afford to call out sick!?
How can anyone honestly tell me this will help the economy?
This is perfect for an original poem of mine:
Generation Fuck
What does it really mean
To live the American dream?
A civilization of simulation
The lies lay in ideology
The people fall for the faรงade of
A life of glory and bounty
But do we keep pressing on
With the mistakes ancestors made?
Afraid and unwilling to face
The consequences
And take matters into our own hands.
Open for discussion. GO.
© Nicole DeRoy 2013